If you want to install some module from Magento Connect, but you cannot use 'Magento Connect Manager' for some reason, in this case you can download Magento module package in TGZ file format manually and upload it to your Magento store via FTP or control panel file manager.
You should use special URL to download any module from Magento Connect using your favorite browser.
Format of the URL:
http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community/{PACKAGE NAME}/{VERSION}/{PACKAGE NAME}-{VERSION}.tgz
For example you want to download the "Facebook Products Tab" module as TGZ (.tar.gz) archive from Magento Connect.
1. Open Magento Connect page of the module: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/facebook-products-tab.html
2. Remember last release version number. You can find this information in the the 'Release Notes' tab.
In our sample last version of the module is "1.1.0".
3. Check an Extension key for "Magento Connect 2.0".
For our module the Extension key is:
4. Configure URL for downloading and open it in your browser: http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community/Facebook_Products_Tab/1.1.0/Facebook_Products_Tab-1.1.0.tgz
You will see standard download window in your browser.
As long as you know that file name otherwise the new urls for the extension info pages do not include the product name any more.
Awesome, thank you for taking the time to post it.
it works for this.